Reporting Template to the Global Road Safety Partnership

Reporting Template to the Global Road Safety Partnership. Period – 1 January to 30 June 2020

Current Project(s):

  • Pocket Manual Book: “Caution, Sudden Brake Failure”
  • Pocket Manual Book: “Be an Accident Helper on the Road” (Februari 2020)
  • The Webinar of “ Road Safety during and post Pandemi Covid-19”.
  • Formulating a KSP (Knowledge Sharing Program) between IRSP and the Indonesia Transportation Research Agency.

Project(s) Under Development:

  1. Safer Mobility Area for Children and Youth (SMA4CY): the project did not run because it
    did not pass the selection.
  2. Formulating Joint Research between IRSP and the Indonesia Transportation Research
    Agency: the project did not run due to reallocated budget for combating the pandemic
    of covid-19.
  3. Establishment of a Transport Safety Research Group: idem, reallocated budget.
  4. Joined research between among IRSP, Human Resources Development Agency Ministry
    of Transportation (HRDA of MOT), Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS),
    and Trisakti Institute of Transportation And Logistic (ITL TRISAKTI. The MoU has been
    signed on August 11, 2020, at Grand Ballroom Bangi Resort Hotel Malaysia.

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