8 February 2022

‘Pedestrian agents’ feature in Indonesian campaign


GRSP Indonesia, in collaboration with the Department of Public Services and Faculty of Communication Sciences at the University of Padjadjaran have been involved in a multifaceted, youth-led road safety campaign involving community engaging social campaigns, street events and a video and photo competition with a central theme focussed on pedestrian safety.

Social campaigns reached out to the community calling for help to make road use safer for all. An innovative street event featuring appearances by so called ‘pedestrian agents’ (pictured) played on the public fascination with secret agents whilst promoting the importance of obeying road rules to make a safer environment for pedestrians. It also doubled as a launch vehicle for the video and photo competition.

The photo and video competition, open to school and university students as well as to the broader film and photography communities, calls for submissions for public service announcement-style photography and videos promoting greater awareness amongst pedestrians of the dangers that exist on and around the road.

The activities are led by university students with the guidance of GRSP Indonesia and full ministerial support.

The campaign was held from early March to middle June 2014.

source: http://www.grsproadsafety.org

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